itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Defining Wisdom

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

― Aristotle

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Grieving the Old, Embracing the New

No, I am not missing out. I finally get it. Instead of crying when I leave this group of friends, I should embrace the experiences I will get to have that I wouldn’t otherwise have with my kids. I don’t need to cry because it’s not the way it used to be. I don’t need to cry because I feel so alone and introverted that I would rather leave with the kids. I don’t need to cry because the reality is this is who I am now. I will always have these friends. No, it won’t be how it used to. But I can embrace the way it is now knowing that it is better this way.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

The Thoughts of a Writer

I’m struggling finding a topic to write about today. My mind wanders as I research literary agents to whom I can send a query letter. My heart races as I read their bios, each one offering different capabilities. What am I even looking for? I HAVE to find the right agent, but how? There are millions to choose from; how do I know which ones to pick? It is a daunting task, one that I am not taking lightly.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

What is Burdening Me?

My Guides always tell me that I am carrying the emotions of other people.  I ask them to release these emotions because I always take on too much.  I take on the burdens and anxiety of others when it has nothing to do with me.  This is something I have been dealing with my whole life, I think, but I have not actually tried to work on it before.  I have not noticed when it is happening. Instead, I lash out or react poorly to situations instead of pausing and asking myself what is really going on.  I don’t often know what the deep rooted issue is within myself because I prefer to live in denial.  I don’t want to feel those feelings of hurt, fear, guilt, embarrassment, not being good enough.  These are all the burdens that I hold within myself.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Easter Miracles

Easter is now always a bitter sweet holiday for me.  It brings back memories of 2 years ago, when Noah had his first serious breathing scare that led to many more.  But, it also led to miracles.

The miracle of the resurrection, described in the Bible, is the most important miracle of the Christian faith. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the first Easter morning, he showed people that the hope he proclaimed in his Gospel message was real, and so was God's power at work in the world, believers say.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Travel Junkies

This past week was a fabulous week on the beach, enjoying the island life of St. Croix. Working on our tans was the main mission. Waves crashed around us; our room was literally right by them…everything was perfect. Except for one thing…

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Asking for Help

“I just didn’t want to be alive anymore,” Meghan stated to Oprah, whose jaw dropped to the floor. “I thought it would have solved everything for everyone...right?”

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth


What really is karma? When you think about karma, what comes to mind? Scenarios where bad things happen to people who deserve it, right? I don’t know enough, and I wanted to find out.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

The Mind of a Fellen

Do you ever try to capture what all goes through your mind at any given moment? Well…here is mine.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Can IVF be Considered Unethical?

Paris Hilton is doing IVF. Has she struggled with infertility? No. Has she tried to get pregnant naturally? Nope! She just wants to “pick boy/girl twins” and start a family so she can (this is my favorite part) “have a real life.” She goes on to say that IVF is something “most women should just do…and then you can pick whether you want boys or girls.” Insert all of the face palms and angry swearing emojis here.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth


Now, I try to embrace JOMO! Joy Of Missing Out. I can say no to things! Does anyone ever feel like there is just too much that we are obligated to do? How often are we saying yes when we really want to say no. I’m learning that NO in itself is a form of self care.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Phone Walks

We’ve gotten so used to texting or snapping or instagramming or facebooking or tweeting or youtubing or marco poloing, or skyping, or whatsapping, or zooming. It’s much more rare to do face to face conversations anymore, or actually call people.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Death to 2020

There’s a Netflix spoof called “Death to 2020” that I highly recommend. It is pretty spot on with everything!

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Simply BE

When did we forget to simply BE?

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Skeletons in the Closet

Tropicana should have hired me for their most recent failed ad campaign. Why? Because I know how to hide in closets. Specifically, I know how to hide certain clothes, negative thoughts, pain, agony, anxiety, distress, fear, and alcohol in the closet.

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